Order your St Teresa's Catholic Primary School Uniform online today.
You can also order online and get your order delivered direct to the school.
Completed orders will be delivered to the school every Thursday in Term Time Only.
If you chose this option please provide us with your child's name and year.
Uniform is also available to purchase all year round from our Unit in Washington: 11 Brockwell Road, Crowther Industrial Estate, Washington, NE38 0AF.
It is our policy that all children should wear clothing that is in keeping with a purposeful learning ethos. We also believe it is important that certain activities are facilitated by specialised and appropriate clothing when attending school, or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours.
Please note that it is expected that all children will wear the appropriate clothing at the appropriate time. This is very important for Health and Safety reasons in Physical Education.
Children without the correct clothing will not be allowed to take part in the lesson.
You can download our School Uniform Policy from the Policies page linked above.