Light sources and reflection
Year 3 have started the chemistry strand of science for this term and have began to learn about light. Children learned about light sources and those things that reflect light, but are not light sources.
A source of light makes light. The Sun and other stars, fires, torches and lamps all make their own light and so are examples of sources of light. Some animals, such as fireflies and glow-worms, are light sources. Objects that reflect light include the moon and cats eyes.
Children did an experiment in class and tested various materials to see which ones were good at reflecting light. Children used a torch and a piece of white card. They then cut a hole in the card and inserted the torch. When the torch was switched on we pointed it at various materials. If the material was a good reflector, the light would bounce back and illuminate the white card. We Lund that tin foil was a good reflector.
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