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Year 3 – French: Basic greetings, names, numbers, colours

Year 3 learning about the Francophone world using the Language Angels scheme of work. They are learning basic greetings, asking and answering ‘comment tu t’appelles?’ and learning numbers and colour vocabulary.

Learn how to introduce yourself in French with these useful phrases.

How to say your name in French

If you want to say something about yourself in French, you use the word for ‘I’ – Je.

So if you want to say ‘I am called’, you say  Je m’appelle:

  1.  Je m’appelle Aimée – I am called Aimée

  2.  Je m’appelle Anil – I am called Anil

Here appelle means ‘call’ so it’s like saying ‘I myself call’.

‘What are you called?’ in French

If you want to ask someone else’s name, you use the word tu (you) and the question word comment (how):

  1.  Comment t’appelles-tu ? – What are you called?

Numbers are useful for talking about your age and your birthday. Here are numbers one to eleven to get you started:FrenchEnglish1 unone2 deuxtwo3 troisthree4 quatrefour5 cinqfive6 sixsix7 septseven8 huiteight9 neufnine10 dixten11 onzeeleven

Why not improve your French skills by using the free games app: Glurbs –

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