Exploring the World of Computing: Creating Fruit Databases with Purple Mash This week, our budding young minds delved into the fascinating world of branching databases, and what better way to learn than by getting hands-on with technology.
Databases are like treasure troves of information, storing data in an organised manner. But what about branching databases? Well, imagine a tree with various branches, each leading to a different set of fruits. That’s precisely what branching databases do – they help us narrow down our options based on specific characteristics. The children embarked on this adventure armed with curiosity and enthusiasm. They learned how to structure data in a branching format, asking questions like “Is it round?” or “Does it have seeds?” to guide their way through the branches until they identified the fruit.
With their newfound knowledge, our young techies were eager to put their skills to the test. Using Purple Mash, children embarked on the thrilling task of creating their very own fruit databases. Armed with colourful images and a plethora of fruit facts, they began crafting their branching structures. With each decision, they navigated through the branches, refining their databases until they reached the fruit’s identity.