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The Season of Advent and Christmas Celebrations at St Teresa’s

At St Teresa’s, our school and parish community enjoyed preparing for Christmas during the special liturgical season of Advent. Activities included: whole and key stage Liturgical Prayer, the taking home of the Travelling Cribs, Open the Book, the decoration of Veterans at Ease Project in Byker and the Shoebox Appeal. This was a very special and prayerful time for both children and adults to reflect upon the true meaning of Christmas.

In the days leading up to the Christmas holidays, we enjoyed a range of Christmas activities which got everyone into the Festive spirit. These included: a Christmas Mass, Christmas jumper and dinner day, making of Christmas crafts in the Forest School, Carol singing in the Grainger Market and at Heaton Baptist Church Carol Concert, A Christingle Service, KS1 Nativity and a whole-school carol concert in the Forest School. Let’s not forget everyone’s favourite- a whole-school trip to the pantomime!

We wish all our children, parents, staff and wider community a happy and holy Christmas, and a prosperous new year.

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