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Reception busy in continuous provision

Reception have had a busy week with lots of activities available to them both in the indoor and outdoor provision. They have been  actively learning, playing and exploring and creating and thinking critically. The children created a zoo to look after all of the animals. Over the week this developed and the children included grassy area, water areas and a feeding enclosure.

The children practised skills of balancing, jumping and throwing on the obstacle course.

Concentrating hard to pour water between the different sized containers.

Using their fine motor skills to pick up different objects with tweezers and put them into different containers.

They have had fun in lots of other areas writing and phonics, investigating metal utensils in the sand, counting beats with the musical instruments, counting objects in sets.

The indoor provision has challenged and inspired the children to collaborate and work together to build and create. The children have helped each their on the iPads to play maths games on subitising, built bridges to rescue stranded animals, followed challenge cards to build things, wrote animals sentences using sentence making cards and create autumn pictures.

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