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Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022

Everyone in the St. Teresa’s community is so very sad to mourn the loss of our beloved Queen Elizabeth. She has been a constant in our lives, a shining beacon of goodness for so long. We are very grateful for her years of service, duty and love. Her strength and fortitude have served us all so well these past 70 years and it is hard to capture this profound loss. Our first thoughts are for her family who are mourning the loss of a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. May God ease their grief and sustain them in the coming months.

We give thanks to God for all she has done and pray for the repose of her soul. May God grant her eternal rest, may the perpetual light shine upon her and may she rest in peace. Amen.

I am sure you will all join with me in sending our new King Charles lll our best wishes for the future and wish him a long and happy reign.

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