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About PHSE

At St. Teresa’s we believe that PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) will encourage and support pupils to develop healthy, fulfilling and meaningful lifestyles.

Supported by our Catholic ethos, and taught within our nurturing school environment, PSHE supports children in their development and underpins learning in the classroom, school and wider community.

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC)

Each school has a statutory responsibility to support pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School delivers SMSC through our School Ethos, Religious Education, Collective Worship, Physical Education, Personal, Social, Health and Economic curriculum, the Healthy Schools program and the school Pastoral Care Programme.

PSHE helps promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils. It also helps them to prepare for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. Pupils learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a modern, diverse and ever-changing society.

Aims and Objectives

We aim to enable our pupils to:

  1. Understand and respect Catholic and Christian faith as well as those with other faiths or beliefs

  2. Develop self-confidence and self-esteem

  3. Make informed choices when faced with personal and social issues

  4. Know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle

  5. Understand what makes a good relationship

  6. Assess risk and their own personal safety

  7. Have respect for others

  8. Promote difference and diversity in a multicultural and changing world

  9. Be independent and responsible members of a school community

  10. Be positive and active members of a democratic society

Themes in PSHE Education

PSHE Education is central to the educational entitlement of all of our children and elements of PSHE permeates all aspects of school life. We aim to cover the following core themes as set out in the 2014 PSHE Association Programme of Study.

  1. Core theme 1: Health and wellbeing

  2. Core theme 2: Relationships

  3. Core theme 3: Living in the wider world – Economic wellbeing and being a responsible citizen

Our PSHE programme is delivered through a cross curricular and discreet teaching approach by teaching staff, the school nurse, and visitors in and out of school.

Our PSHE Association Programme of Study (May 2016) is available to download here

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