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OPAL has officially started!

OPAL stands for Outdoor Play And Learning and gives all children the opportunity to play imaginatively and creatively during their break and lunch times.

It has long been recognised that play is fundamental to a child’s health, happiness, development and well being. Research has also shown that children spend 20% of their time in school playing. This led staff and children to reflect upon how playtimes could be improved in our school, and so the idea of implementing OPAL began!

The OPAL vision is that “every child in every school has an amazing hour of high quality play every day” and as a school we share this vision and recognise the enormous benefits play has on a child’s life.

Children have a range of toys and equipment that they can play with such as dressing up clothes, Lego, cars, skipping ropes, bikes, scooters, arts and crafts and much more! We have already had lots of positive feedback from both children and staff about how well OPAL is going and how much the children are enjoying it!

A big thank you to everyone who donated equipment, we are all very grateful!

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