The following information and guidelines are provided for all parents/carers using the facility at St Teresa’s Breakfast/After School Club (BASC) children care provision.
All parents wishing to apply to the BASC need to complete and return an application form. The BASC is held in term time only, in school and provides a wide range of activities for children who are members of the school community. The ratio of adults to children is 1:13.
The clubs provide safe, stimulating activities including games, art and craft, computing, cooking and outdoor activities. Children are encouraged to participate in both adult led and independent play. They have opportunities to explore a range of age appropriate fun, positive and challenging activities.
Club Times
Breakfast Club 7.35am – 8.40am £5 per session including light breakfast before 8.20am
After School Club 3.20pm – 5.45pm £11.00 per session including a light snack
Last day of Term Club will close at 5pm
Charges are irrespective of the amount of time the child actually spends at the club e.g. if a child attends an out of school activity such as netball or drama, and then attends After School Club, payment for the full session is required.
Payment is required in advance and termly statements will be provided to parents to manage accounts and ensure voucher payments are at the correct setting amount.
Cancellation/Late collection of children
Once a booking has been confirmed, no refund will be given upon cancellation. Parents/carers of children who are collected after the closure time of 5.45pm will incur penalty charges of £10 per 15 minutes or part of. If a parent/carer is late on three occasions in any four week period, their child’s place in After School Club may unfortunately have to be suspended.
New Starters
Parents/carers who are considering using the clubs are welcome to visit and meet with the staff. All relevant, signed paperwork must be completed before the booking process can take place.
Arrival and collection of children
Breakfast Club
Parents/carers must bring their children into school each morning and sign them into the club. A light breakfast is given to the children who arrive to the club before 8.20am. At 8.40am children are signed out of the club by a staff member and taken by that staff member to their respective class.
After School Club
Children are signed over to the club by their class teacher. They are then collected and taken to their base for the first part of their session. Upon arrival for collection, parents/carers must sign their child out from the care of the After School Club. Staff must be informed, in advance if there is any change to the person who normally collects the child. If an unknown adult arrives to collect a child, a child will not be signed out and a late penalty charge may be incurred. No persons under the age of sixteen may collect a child from the After School Club.
Health and Safety
The health and safety of children within clubs is of paramount importance at all times. Information is held
GP name and contact details
Any known health problems relating to the child
Special dietary needs
Emergency contacts
A qualified First Aider is available on site at all times. Accident report forms are completed and parents/carers informed. Excellent hygiene practice is encouraged at all times. Staff follow the school’s guidelines and procedures for safeguarding and child protection. Equipment is checked regularly and staff encourage children to play appropriately.
At St Teresa’s Breakfast and After School Clubs, we believe that children and adults flourish best in an ordered environment in which everyone knows what is expected of them and in which they can develop their play and learning without fear of being hurt or being hindered by anyone else. We aim to develop an ethos which children develop self discipline and enhanced self esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement.
Expectations governing conduct and behaviour are agreed and discussed and explained to all new starters at the club
All staff apply rules consistently from common expectations
Adults provide positive role models for children regarding friendliness, care and courtesy
All adults praise and endorse positive behaviours such as kindness and willing to share
Any incidents of serious misbehaviour, bullying or racism will be referred to the Headteacher who will take the appropriate action in line with the school’s Behaviour and Anti-Bullying policies
We offer a wide range of after school clubs that are not sports based; such as Art Club, Lego Club, Chess, Creative Writing and Choir. These are run by teachers and the provision year on year varies but we ensure through careful monitoring that all children across every age range gain access to different opportunities throughout the year.
We also offer a range of sports clubs and the offer of these are all dependent on the time of year and accommodating space in school. Before/after school football is offered all year and begins for Reception children in their spring term.
Other sports clubs we offer include: futsal, netball, badminton, dodgeball, cross country, archery, multi-sports and CrossFit kids.
The choir meet every Tuesday after school, 3.20pm until 4.00pm.
Children in Years 4, 5 and 6 practice their singing with Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs Keelan.
The thirty plus choir members learn new material each half term and work towards a performance. The choir have performed at the City Hall, The Sage and The Tyne Theatre in the past.
The choir also has the opportunity to take part in school based singing initiatives performing in front of their peers.
In 2019 the choir even had their very own St. Teresa’s choir t-shirt!